Do I have to make an account to participate in the Online Auction?
Yes, you must make an account to participate in our auction. Luckily, it's super quick and easy and FREE to make one!
Click here to make your account now!

Can I bid more than $1? 
Yes! Bidding increments are set at a minimum of $1. You can bid as high as you are willing to pay. You can also choose an "AUTOMATIC BID" which is a maximum bid you are willing to spend. The auction app will place bids on your behalf up until that specified amount.

What is Popcorn Bidding?
During the final 2 minutes of an auction ending, if a bid is placed, the auction will automatically be extended an extra 2 minutes. As long as new bids are placed the auction will continue to extend by 2 minutes. This provides an opportunity for bidders to counter and surpass existing bids, encouraging active participation and ensuring a more robust auction environment.

Do the auctions have scheduled start and end times?
Yes -  every Lot has it's own start and end time. Auctions run for 7 days. Please be aware of the end times of the items you are bidding on to ensure you are available to pick-up if you win anything!

I won an auction! How quickly do I have to pay?
Please pay within 7 days. After this time any auction items that have not been claimed or paid for will be re-listed on the auction.

Where do I pick-up my auction wins?
Pick-up is available at our store at 574 Yates Wednesday-Monday 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. Items that are won can be claimed during those hours as early as the next business day after auction ending. 

How many days do I have to pick-up my auction wins?
We have a strict 7 day window of allowance to claim any items won. After the 7 day window items that are not claimed will be re-listed on the auction. Compensation will not be provided with no exceptions.

***We are operating with limited storage space. Please be prepared to pick-up won items promptly***

I won a lot full of fragile items - will you wrap them for me?
Boxes, bags and wrapping paper will not be provided for auction items. Please come prepared with your own supplies to ensure your items get home safely.

I participated in your auction but I live in another city. Can you ship the things I win?
At this time, auction items are available for local pick-up only. If you can't pick up locally, we will refund winning amount and re-list the item for auction.


Do you buy/consign/take donations?
We really appreciate everyone who thinks of us when they are trying to re-home their personal items. At this time we do not buy, we do not consign and we do not take donations.

Where do you get your stuff then?
We have worked with a local recycling company for many years to help divert any reusable goods that comes through their services. This has always been the framework for our business.

But I have so much stuff I need to get rid of! Can you help me?
We are always happy to recommend a local Hauling company to help with big downsizes. Send us an email or fill out the contact form on our home page to learn more.

Why are your prices so low/so high?
It's actually incredible that we can have these same comments within minutes of each other on any given day. We strive for our prices to be thoughtful, affordable and fair. However, a fair price to one person is an outrageous price to another and that is out of our control!

Will you give me a discount/barter with me?
See above about pricing. We reserve the right to offer discounts when we feel inclined and they should never be expected. Bartering is a practice that should be limited to garage sales, Facebook Marketplace and the like.

Do your prices include tax?
We charge federal and provincial sales tax on every product at time of purchase.

Your store smells bad/good!
We operate out of a 100 year old building in the heart of downtown Victoria. Our neighbours on either side of us are both restaurants. To top that off, we sell vintage and second hand items each with their own unique story and scent. We make an effort to mask any unwanted aromas by diffusing gorgeous Nezza Naturals diffuser blends. 

Did you know this niche fact about this item you have for sale?
We love learning about things for sale in our store! We don't know everything about everything we sell. We are just trying to keep reusable goods in circulation and make people happy!

I saw something racist/sexist/problematic for sale in your store.
Providing a safe, welcoming and fun shopping experience is our top priority.  In our work, we come across all kinds of decor, art and bric-a-brac from the past. Through the years we have learned a lot about identifying problematic items and we make an effort to screen and filter those things out. However, considering the sheer number of items in our store at any time, it is possible for things to slip through our filter on occasion. Please let us know if an item on our shelves needs be removed. We are just two humans who don't know everything about everything and we are always open to learning. 


Can I return something I bought in store?
We do not offer refunds UNLESS an item that was advertised as "working" does not work when it is brought home, such as electronics. In this case, we offer a 3 day return policy.
The nature of our business is selling items that had a previous life, maybe even more than one previous life. Almost everything is not in perfect shape. That doesn't mean the items no longer have value. A lot of time, the items that we sell have a great deal of value as they have become more rare over time.

What about exchanges?
Short answer: no. We value mindful spending and consuming. If something is purchased in our store and if for any reason it's not what you want, please think of a creative way to use it, share it, re-home it. Besides, we've already filled the spot in our store with something else lolz.